Real Solutions

One of my favorite blogs is Small Notebook. The site owner, Rachel Meeks, always has good practical tips on her site about everything from organizing to cleaning and budgeting. Plus she’s all about simplifying your life, which is an idea that I love. I’ve been really trying in the past few months to reduce the […]

That Mess You Call a Purse

Or maybe you call it a bag. Either way, you know what I’m talking about. Have you ever struggled to find something in your purse? Do you have trouble finding it because you have so much stuff in there? It’s especially embarrassing when you’re holding up the line looking for your bank card, check book […]

Feeding Your Family

Feeding your family is a big job, especially if you cook most meals and are on a budget. Because our monthly grocery bill is about as much as our house payment, I’ve been looking for ways to shop well for less. There are a lot of resources out there that you can take advantage of […]

Habit Hacker

Yesterday I wrote a post about the Home Routines app for iPod. At the end of the article, I posted a quote from Habit Hacker basically saying that if you don’t have an iPhone, it would be worth it to get one just to use this app. After writing the post, I visited the Home […]

Keeping the House Clean

Keeping the house clean and neat seems to be a universal problem for ADD Moms. It’s no fun cleaning house and even less fun when it hasn’t been done in a while. It’s overwhelming and frustrating because you can do it once and still have to do it again over and over. There are a […]

ADHD and Finances

Among the struggles that people with ADHD have, managing money ranks right up there at the top. Our forgetfulness, lack of attention, risk taking and impulsive behaviors can all add up to trouble with money. Some of us are lucky to live with someone who can handle the finances for us. That’s a real blessing […]