9 Laws of Time Management
I can’t take credit for this one. Sarah from Buttoned Up is the genius behind this. Sarah has written a wonderful article full of great tips for managing time, including a few that we ADD Moms should tattoo somewhere. You really need to read the whole article, but here are a few of my favorites: […]
Are You Ready?
In cooking – well, French cooking I guess – there is a term: mise en place (MEEZ ann plays). It means to have everything ready before you begin. For instance, if you were making a vegetable soup, you would have all of your pots and utensils ready, your vegetables out, washed and cut or diced. […]
Giving Yourself What You Need
As women and/or moms, we are really good at putting our needs last. And when our ADHD complicates and confuses our lives further, it becomes even easier to let our needs go. That’s not good. It’s not good for us nor is it good for our families and the people who surround us. And when […]
You Are Not a Deficit or a Disorder
Having ADHD makes us feel bad about ourselves. We always seem to focus on the things we can’t do instead of the things we can. Instead of living in a tightly constricted box where everything is neat and orderly, we choose to live outside the box freely and with abandon. That is, we could if […]
One Thing at a Time
That’s how you’re supposed to do things, right? You start a project and you work on it until it’s done. You never start one thing without finishing the other thing before it. Ha. Are you kidding me? Right now I bet we have 3,674,765 projects going. Or something close to that. I bet you do […]
Money and ADHD
Managing money (and managing it well) can be extremely difficult when you have ADHD. And by managing money, I don’t mean retirement funds and stock options. I mean plain old day to day keeping track of the money so the bills get paid on time and there’s some left at the end of the month. […]