Brain Drain: Learn to Make Fewer Decisions
Decision making is not our strong point. As people with ADHD, we have lots of experience with making mistakes. So when we have an opportunity to make a decision about something – cake or pie – we tend to give it a lot of thought. We want to make the right decision and we end […]
Focus in a Bottle
Did you ever have a sudden moment of clarity about something that you wanted to do? Maybe it was something that you had been thinking about or struggling with and then out of nowhere an idea comes to you. If you’re anything like me, by the time you get to the computer or a notebook […]
6 Ways Yoga can Help Your ADHD Symptoms
Do you practice yoga? I don’t do it on a regular basis, although I should, but I do love it. It’s peaceful nature appeals to my frazzled body and brain and I love what it does for strength and flexibility. Did you know that yoga can also benefit your ADHD symptoms? Here are 6 ways […]
Fish Oil and ADHD
A new study by a doctor at Goteborg University in Sweden has concluded that daily doses of Omega-3 fish oil can reduce ADHD symptoms by 50%. Dr. Sven Ostlund followed a group of ADHD children aged 8-18 who took fish oil daily. Within 6 months, there was a noticeable decrease in ADHD symptoms for about […]