Colored Pencils, Markers, and ADHD
Have you noticed the recent popularity of adult coloring books? They’re everywhere, at all kinds of prices. Including free, if you do a search on the internet or Pinterest. I actually considered buying some for my daughters for Christmas, but ended up deciding against it. The topic came up, however, over the holidays, and we […]
Teepees and ADHD
We spend a lot of time talking about the negative aspects of having ADHD. We’re forgetful, can’t focus or pay attention, can’t get organized or manage our time effectively. But there are some good things about having ADHD. We are right brained thinkers. That means that we think outside the box. We see connections where […]
Creative Journaling for Your Soul
Do you journal? And if you do, how often do you do it? I tend to be a “when I need it kind of journal writer”. If I’m upset, worried, or angry, journaling helps me work things out. Sometimes I journal to mark a significant event in my life and sometimes I just have some […]
Meditate in Color
When my son Andy was 2 he witnessed our German Shepherd Lucy get run over by a truck. He didn’t cry or seem to understand, but I was worried about how it might affect him, so I asked my daughter’s pre-school teacher for advice. She told me to buy some paper and watercolors and let […]
A More Purposeful Life
How would you like to have a more purposeful life? A more purposeful life is one that is more about where you want to go with your life and what you want to accomplish and less about scrubbing baseboards and organizing clutter. How do you get from here to there? It’s a process, but one […]
Attention Deficit Dis- Order
31 Day Challenge: Day 15 Since we are talking all things orderly this month, I thought that it would be appropriate to point out that October is ADHD Awareness month. (Yes I am taking advantage of the fact that the word order is part of disorder, but I can still make it relevant.) Now of […]