The Life Organizer

Wow. Are you pulling out your credit card right now wondering where you can buy such a thing? Something to organize your whole life? Gotta get that! Well the good news is that such a thing does exist. The Life Organizer is a book, a system, a new way of living and looking at your […]

Are You Worthless?

Well of course not. But I bet you feel that way sometimes. And what about your family and friends or co-workers? How much do they think you’re worth? People with ADHD almost always have low self esteem. When you have a “deficit” and a “disorder” then it’s assumed that you are damaged somehow and therefore […]

Habit Hacker

Yesterday I wrote a post about the Home Routines app for iPod. At the end of the article, I posted a quote from Habit Hacker basically saying that if you don’t have an iPhone, it would be worth it to get one just to use this app. After writing the post, I visited the Home […]

Household Notebooks

Do you have a household notebook? In case you didn’t know, many women use a household notebook to keep things running smoothly at home. It can contain many things, but most often it has a family calendar, a list of contacts, a list of daily and weekly chores, and a section for menu planning. Some […]

Can You?

Have you seen Jennifer Hudson’s new ad for Weight Watchers? Here it is: I love that she talks about how her life used to be about “I Can’t” and now it is about “I Can”. Do you do that with your ADHD? See yourself as a deficit and a disorder? Do you say “I Can’t” […]

Gardening and ADHD?

It’s summertime here in my part of the world, and among other things, that means gardening. Each spring as soon as it gets warm enough, I head out to the local greenhouse and buy far too many plants. I get carried away with all of the pretty flowers and plants and have visions of beautiful […]