5 Things I Learned at the ADDA Conference
Attending the 14th Annual ADDA Conference was amazing! I met so many wonderful, talented people and learned so very much! I’ll be sharing more specific details in the next week or so, but today I thought I would start out with just a few things that I learned. First a few pics. 🙂 This is […]
How Do You Know You Have ADHD?
My husband is a big Dr. Oz fan. I just happened to be in the room a few minutes ago when Dr. Oz did a promo for tomorrow’s program. Its about how you can tell if you have ADHD. That’s actually a good question. How did you know that you had ADHD? Did you figure […]
Adult ADHD
The Saturday Evening Post has an article, written by Sharon Begley, about ADHD in adults. I challenge you to read it and not see yourself in at least one of the ADD adults that Ms. Begley profiles. Ms. Begley walks you through some common symptoms of ADHD and points out the differences between having ADHD […]