Dealing with Family
Dealing with family can sometimes be difficult, ADHD or not. And if you do happen to have ADHD, family relationships can get complicated. You may have one parent – the one you got your ADHD from – who understands you. But it’s just as likely that they never realized that they had ADHD, and so […]
Simplify Your Social Media
You’re on social media, right? We all are. And it can be a good thing. You can keep in touch with family and friends, make new friends, and learn things. Maybe even have a laugh or two. But too much of anything isn’t good for you. It’s the same with social media. Those of us […]
Boy Without Instructions
I have the pleasure today of reviewing a book written by a colleague of mine, Penny Williams. It’s called “Boy Without Instructions” and it’s Penny’s account of raising her son, nicknamed Ricochet, and helping him make his way through school and life with ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and other challenges. Ricochet is a gifted […]
Memories and ADHD
Those of us with ADHD have poor short term memory. That’s just the way it is. We really have to work sometimes to remember something that happened 5 or 10 minutes ago, especially if we were distracted when it happened. But that’s not the kind of memories I want to talk about. What I mean […]