The Easiest Way to Improve Your Focus
Yep, that’s right. One of the easiest ways to improve your focus is to drink water, preferably throughout the day. And preferably from a glass or reusable container rather than a plastic bottle cause there are way too many in our landfills already. When you are well hydrated your ability to think clearly is improved. […]
Breakfast and Your ADHD
Im sure you’ve heard it said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And yet, many people, ADHD or not, tend to skip breakfast or rely on a bagel or piece of toast and coffee to get them through the morning. If you eat a light breakfast like a piece of toast […]
ADHD Friendly Snacks
What? You never thought of food as being ADHD friendly (or not)? Really? Let’s see…. choose a snack: a bag of chips and a cola or celery sticks with hummus and bottled water. Which do you think would be better for your brain? All brains need good food and healthy lifestyles in order to function […]
Managing ADHD Naturally, Part 4
Water We’ve all heard of the importance of drinking enough water – eight 8 ounce glasses a day. And yet many of us still don’t do it. When it comes to Attention Deficit Disorder and The Med Free with ADD program, water is a vital component. Here’s why: remember the chapter on protein, and the […]