Mental Health Blog Day
Did you know that today is the American Psychological Association’s annual Mental Health Blog Day? You know, there are many mental health issues that carry a stigma with them; ADHD is one of them. We’ve all seen the stereotypical kid with ADHD portrayed as an out of control child (usually male) who is […]
ADD and Subtract from Your Diet
When I say ADD – a play on ADHD and the word add – and subtract, I’m talking about food. Better nutrition means better brain health which leads to fewer ADHD symptoms or at least more manageable ones. Here are 5 foods to add to your diet: Wild caught salmon which has beneficial Omega […]
Hyperactivity: Move to Think
You’ve got to watch this; it’s adorable! (If you don’t see a screen, refresh. I’ve been having trouble with it.) When my son Andy was in middle school, I discovered something about him and also about me. We think better when we move. When he had to do a written report, he would walk around […]
Artificial Sweeteners and ADHD
Yesterday I did something that I’ve been thinking about for a long time. I gave up artificial sweeteners and went back to sugar. You know that I’m big on eating real food, not processed, and I’m all for natural cures like herbs and essential oils if possible. (I’m not an extremist, though. Over the counter […]
Magnesium and ADHD
Did you know that magnesium can possibly help your ADHD symptoms? It has been shown in studies to be effective in reducing hyperactivity and improving attention span in cases where there was a mild magnesium deficiency. Children identified as ADHD and given a magnesium supplement also showed less behavior problems including irritability. Magnesium can be […]
Are You Hyper?
Several years ago, ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder was amended to ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Prior to that ADD and ADHD were two separate things. The reasoning behind this was that most people who have ADD are also hyperactive. I can hear you now – “Not me!”. I get it. I think the […]