Does Your Brain Suck at Self Management?

Does your Brain Suck at Self Management? An ADD Woman

Self Management and Your Brain I can hear you already. Of course your brain sucks at self management! Or maybe you’re thinking, “It’s my brain? And all this time I thought it was me.”. Self management, when it comes to your brain, is called executive function. Sounds pretty fancy, huh? It turns out that executive […]

Mental Health Blog Day

Did you know that today is the American Psychological Association’s annual Mental Health Blog Day?     You know, there are many mental health issues that carry a stigma with them; ADHD is one of them. We’ve all seen the stereotypical kid with ADHD portrayed as an out of control child (usually male) who is […]

6 Skills to Master

Yesterday we talked about Your Brain on ADHD and how poor Executive Functioning skills can make things harder for you. In fact, many of the problems associated with ADHD are directly related to Executive Functioning skills or rather, a lack of them. Today let’s talk about 6 skills to master to help you compensate for your […]

Your Brain on ADHD

Your brain on ADHD might not be the most interesting topic to read about, but it is an important one. Learning about your brain and how it functions can help you to understand your ADHD better and show you that it’s not you, it’s your brain. Executive function is a series of mental processes that […]

Stop Focusing on the Deficit

When we think and talk about ADHD, we tend to focus on the deficit, and then we wonder why we have poor self esteem. You know that I’m always talking about saying good things about yourself and to yourself. And I remind you how the primitive part of your brain believes everything you tell it and […]

Your Impulsive Side

…our impulses are too strong for our judgement sometimes. – Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d’Urbervilles   You know, as a woman with ADHD, that we have a tendency towards impulsive behavior. A bit of leaping before we look. Sometimes it’s a good thing and sometimes, well, not so much. Trying your hand at making hard […]