Simplify the Holidays

Note: This post contains affiliate links. That means that if you click on the link and purchase the product the seller gives me a small fee as a thank you. This does not change the price to you. Let me start by saying that I realize that all of you reading my blog do not […]
5 Things That Keep Me on Track
Part of the adventure of ADHD is finding ways to manage the things that you need to in a way that works for you. As you know, I’m a big fan of electronics, because they help take the place of my brain when it comes to remembering things. Here are 5 tools that I rely […]
I was watching one of those home remodeling shows the other day where neighbors compete against one another for a prize. One of the competitors, whose mom was also in the contest, said that she had an advantage because she was so organized. Honestly, at that point, they could have turned the show over to […]
Keeping Up with Lists When You Have ADHD

Do you keep lists? I do, although I’m not sure where all of them are 🙂 One thing I used to be really good about was writing a grocery list. Every week I would plan our meals, write down what we needed under special headings (Dairy, Meat, Produce, Frozen, etc) and then do my shopping. […]