How to Make a Healthy Meal in a Flash

Healthy Meal in a Flash An ADD Woman

How Much Time Do You Have? Not enough, right? Especially if you work outside the home. And you Super Women who have a job and kids and take care of the house and a million other things (my daughter Sarah and my niece Heather are a couple of Super Heroes) – well, I don’t know […]

Simplifying Dinner

  Dinner. People expect it on a regular basis, like every day. And dinner is a process. First you have to figure out what’s for dinner, then buy the stuff and cook it. It can be hard to come up with new ideas or even any ideas about what’s for dinner and those people who […]

Dill and Caper Chicken

One of the categories on this blog used to be Pantry Meals. A pantry meal is one that you can keep in your cupboard and make quickly, like spaghetti. I’ve decided to expand the category and change the name to Recipes. ADD Moms is not a food blog. It’s a blog about ADHD and women, […]

Meals: Planning Ahead

Note: This is an old post and the Lifeskills Planner is no longer available. However, you can get a free copy of my meal planner, plus 2 grocery shopping lists and more in the Library. Just fill out the form at the bottom of this page. Today is Thursday, the day I do my meal […]

It’s A Dinner Revolution!

You know sometimes I write about meal preparation and the importance of a good balanced diet. Those things may not seem to be related to ADHD but they really are. A good diet is essential for maintaining your body and brain health. A healthier brain functions better and if you’re making sure to include lean […]

Keeping the Family Fed: Meal Planning

Keeping the Family Fed_ Meal Planning

Did you know that meal planning and grocery shopping are more difficult for ADD Moms because we have ADHD? It makes sense when you think about it. In order to keep our family fed, we have to plan meals, add ingredients we need to a list (plus anything else we need), buy the groceries (getting […]