The Beast that is Depression

beast that is depression an add woman

ADHD and Depression When you have ADHD, it always comes with what are called comorbidities; other conditions like anxiety, learning disabilities, and yes, the beast of depression. Aren’t we lucky? Oh, and not just one. No. ADHD is generous. We get a lot. Too many, in fact. Dealing ADHD can be difficult to live with, […]

Taming the Squirrels

Taming the Squirrels An ADD Woman

Taming Squirrels? The other day I had a conversation with some friends on a business Facebook group I belong to. One of the women said that she was my ideal reader and asked if I had any advice on taming squirrels. I jokingly said I had nothing about squirrels, but did write a post once […]

The Magic of Routine

an add woman magic of routine

Doing the Same Stuff And expecting different results? Nope. Doing the same stuff and getting more done. And what I mean by doing the same stuff is turning the same stuff you do over and over (or need to do over and over) into a routine. Have you ever found yourself driving to work on […]

And to All a Good Night

night sleep an add woman

“Twas the Night before Christmas… And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Except the mom, who had ADHD, and couldn’t sleep no matter how hard she tried. And it wasn’t just during the holidays; it was any night at all. Is it Insomnia? It could be; but when […]

Is There a Ferrari in Your Head?


You Know What a Ferrari Is, Right? It’s a really fast sports car. Do you feel like you have one in your head? Maybe not an actual Ferrari, but something that goes really fast? Like all of those thoughts spinning around in your head? You can barely finish one before there are 3 more popping […]