5 Ways to Lower Your Stress Level
As ADD women, we are familiar with stress. I think most women are, but when you add in ADHD, it seems to multiply it’s effect. Add some anxiety and overwhelm in there for good measure – thank you ADHD – and it’s easy to see why we are feeling so tense. Now before I get […]
Mental Health: Some Shocking Information
Thanks to Best Counseling Degrees for creating this graphic and sharing it. Brought to you by: BestCounselingDegrees.net
Why It’s OK to Waste Time Now and Then
Note: I feel like I talk about myself too much in this blog, but at the same time, I relay my experiences and hopefully how I solved them so that you can relate and solve your own problems. Do I talk too much about me? Please let me know in the comments. Do you remember […]
Mental Disorders in Children Infographic
Brandon from Top Masters in Education created this wonderful info graphic about ADHD and other mental conditions. It’s about children, but I’m sure you can find something informative in it as well. Source: TopMastersinEducation.com
Depression: Helping Yourself
If you’ve read this blog for any length of time, you probably know that I suffer from depression. Depression is one of the things that may accompany ADHD. You see, ADHD never travels alone; it always brings something else along with it. Anxiety, depression, and learning disabilities are just a few. I really believe that […]