Starting Off a New Year:2019

It’s Almost 2019! In just a few days, 2018 will be over and we will be starting off a new year. Was 2018 good to you? I think that overall, it was for me; certainly better than the year before. A Time for Reflection The end of the year – or the end of anything […]
The Attention Problem (and How to Fix It)

The Goldfish Myth Those of us with ADHD have a problem with attention. You may have read (in many different places) that today the average American has an attention span of 8 seconds – shorter than that of a goldfish. This “theory” is from a 2015 study done by Microsoft, and it’s since been challenged […]
Downward Dog Your ADHD

Downward dog is a yoga pose. Basically you have your hands and feet on the floor about a foot or so apart so your body kind of looks like an upside down V. Now, downward dog may not necessarily be the pose for you, but yoga in general could be. Yoga has a lot of […]
You Need to Stop Quitting

Are you a quitter? Be honest. Do you often find yourself giving up on things? Is there a little voice in your head that keeps telling you you can’t? My mom’s favorite thing? “You can’t do that. Here let me do it.” She meant well; maybe she was fearful or just impatient. But she sent […]
Simple Cleaning Ideas

I will be the first to admit it. I hate cleaning house. And I’m not really good at it, either. But I do enjoy a clean home. And like I say in An ADD Woman Cleans, it has to be done. There is no getting around it. Over the years, I’ve developed some strategies for […]
How Do You Get Things Done?

That’s an honest question. What? You think cause I write this blog and am the resident ADHD Expert at, that I have all the answers? Nope. Not even close. I struggle with getting things done just like you do. Sure, I have some great ideas on how to do it all, and sometimes I […]