Tips To Help Your Child Stop Sucking Their Thumb

Getting your child to stop sucking their thumb can be a challenge. Use these tips and tricks to help your child stop thumb-sucking successfully.
Boy Without Instructions
I have the pleasure today of reviewing a book written by a colleague of mine, Penny Williams. It’s called “Boy Without Instructions” and it’s Penny’s account of raising her son, nicknamed Ricochet, and helping him make his way through school and life with ADHD, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), and other challenges. Ricochet is a gifted […]
Online Influencer Tour: Ask the Experts
Last month in preparation for ADHD Awareness Month in October, I was fortunate enough to be involved in an Online Influencer Tour featuring two national Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) education and parenting experts, TODAY Show regular and education expert Michele Borba, Ed.D., and parent coach Elaine Taylor-Klaus. I was able to ask them a […]
How Life Affects Your ADHD
I just got back from a wonderful week or so spent in Michigan visiting my daughter Sarah, her husband, and their brand new son, Robbie. (Our first grandchild!) Like all of us, Sarah has Attention Deficit Disorder. And with all of the lifestyle changes, she has some new challenges in dealing with her ADHD. Now […]
OMG! A Must Read!
I’ve never written a post title like that before. It’s just not me. But on the other hand, it’s been a long time since I’ve read a book that touched me as much as “Easy to Love but Hard to Raise” edited by Kay Marner and Adrienne Ehlert Bashista. The rest of the title tells […]
Participate in a Research Study!
If you have a child between the ages of 5-13 who has been diagnosed with ADHD and you would be interested in participating in a research study, you might want to check this out. Erica Merson, a doctoral student at the University of Maryland is conducting a study about moms of kids with ADHD aged […]