Speed Cleaning

What is Speed Cleaning? Speed cleaning is that crazy last minute thing you do when people are coming over and you haven’t had a change to do real cleaning. You know, cause you work 50 hours a week (including the commute), you have a family, and they want silly things like food and clean clothes. […]
I Just Don’t Know – ADHD and Making a Decision

Making Decisions Do you have trouble making a decision? Is that a hard question? I ask because as I am writing this, I’m answering the question for myself. And the answer is: yes and no. Sometimes I can make a decision really quick – even really big ones. Other times, it can take me forever. […]
Like Herding Cats

Doesn’t that just describe much of our lives perfectly? Herding cats. Lately that’s how my life has felt. Chaotic and out of control. Like I have too many things to do and don’t know where to begin. Overwhelmed? Oh yeah. So how do you get out of this mode? How do you create order […]
Procrastinate Now, Panic Later

Once upon a time, 28 years ago, I was completely ready for Christmas by Dec 1st. You see, I had a baby due on the 31st who was scheduled for a C section on the 17th. Everything had to be done ahead of time. Her brother – also scheduled for a C section – had […]
What Goes First?

The other day I was looking for something in our downstairs bathroom closet, and because I had to move things around, I got the urge to pull it all out and organize it. Have you ever done that? Sometimes it works, and sometimes you just have a big mess on the floor. As ADDers, we […]
A No Stress Guide to Thanksgiving

Why didn’t anyone tell me that Thanksgiving is next week???? I just found out today. I thought I had 2 more weeks to get ready! Now maybe you’re lucky and don’t have to cook on that day, or you only have to bring one dish. But at my house, I cook everything. And I do […]