How to Feel Less Tired
Have you been feeling tired lately? For the last few months, it was all I could do to get through the day without a nap. And I mean I could take a nap from 9:00 – 10:30 at night and then go to bed at 12:30 and sleep all night. Lately I’ve been feeling better […]
Breakfast and Your ADHD
Im sure you’ve heard it said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And yet, many people, ADHD or not, tend to skip breakfast or rely on a bagel or piece of toast and coffee to get them through the morning. If you eat a light breakfast like a piece of toast […]
Proteins and Your Brain
Proteins are important for a healthy brain. And a healthy brain – especially an ADHD one – functions better. Why is protein important for optimum brain health? For starters, a good portion of the weight of our bodies is made up of protein. Only water accounts for more body weight than protein. The neurons in […]
ADHD Friendly Snacks
What? You never thought of food as being ADHD friendly (or not)? Really? Let’s see…. choose a snack: a bag of chips and a cola or celery sticks with hummus and bottled water. Which do you think would be better for your brain? All brains need good food and healthy lifestyles in order to function […]
Managing ADHD Naturally, Part 1
Several years ago I put together a program that is designed to help you manage your ADHD symptoms naturally, without the use of medications. (Those of you who use medications can supplement them with this program as well.) Today is Part 1 in a series about managing ADHD naturally. In this series, I will be […]