When You Can Really See It
Did you know that we ADDers are visual learners? We learn best when we can see how something is done or put together. And if we can actually participate in the process? Even better. One of the reasons that we have such messy spaces is because we tend to leave things out in the open, […]
The Ultimate Solution for Getting Things Done
Have you heard about DropTask? I just found out about it from Pinterest and I think that this might be the ultimate solution for getting things done. Especially when you have ADHD. The genius of DropTask is that it is a visual way of looking at your to dos and prioritizing them. You know that […]
Hyperactivity: Move to Think
You’ve got to watch this; it’s adorable! (If you don’t see a screen, refresh. I’ve been having trouble with it.) When my son Andy was in middle school, I discovered something about him and also about me. We think better when we move. When he had to do a written report, he would walk around […]