The Short Bus

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The short bus. People who’ve never had any experience with it make jokes about it. If you have a child who rides the short bus, or even if you don’t, I urge you to go out and buy a copy of the book, “The Short Bus – A Journey Beyond Normal” by Jonathan Mooney.

Jonathan Mooney used to ride the short bus. He has Attention Deficit Disorder and was labeled “severely learning disabled” when he was young. He didn’t learn to read until he was 12 years old, but a few years later he managed to graduate at the top of his class from Brown University with an honors degree in English.

I  became aware of Mr. Mooney several years ago when I read his first book, “Learning Outside the Lines”. When that book was published, I had two kids in high school and one in middle school – rough years for any kid, but especially so for those with AD/HD. “Learning Outside the Lines” inspired me and gave me hope at a time when I desperately needed it.

In some ways, “The Short Bus” does much the same thing. Think of it as an irreverent short bus version of the Chicken Soup book series.

The book is a diary of sorts, recording the details of a trip Mr. Mooney took across the country in a short bus. It profiles people he met along the way – some planned, some not – who had all had experiences in one form or another, with special education. 

Some of the people in the book are out of school now, and some are not. Some have managed to live their lives on their own terms, and some are still a work in progress. All of their stories will touch your heart and your soul.

I can’t say that this is entirely an inspirational book, but I can say wholeheartedly that it is one you must read. You need to read, and understand, and experience and feel what is contained in this book. If you are lucky,  you will be changed forever by what you find there.


Picture of Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle is the writer of and the Podcast host for An ADD Woman.

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