Do You Have a Friend?

Making and keeping friends can sometimes be difficult for people with Attention Deficit Disorder. We often have poor social skills and can be too intense or too distracted for others to deal with. Having a friend or two who gets you, though, can be one of the best things you can do for yourself. It […]

Understanding ADHD

This past holiday weekend my daughter Sarah and her boyfriend (I’ll call him Josh) visited from Michigan. At some point during the weekend, the conversation turned to Sarah’s housekeeping skills, or rather her challenges when it comes to housekeeping. Dirty dishes were mentioned. Apparently it bothers Josh when there are dishes left in the sink. […]

ADHD and Your Weight

Did you know that your ADHD may be part of the reason why you are overweight or have trouble losing weight? It can also be a factor if you’re one of those people who need to gain a few pounds but can never manage it. But before you start using your ADHD as an excuse, […]

Over Committed and Overwhelmed

Are you like me – trying to juggle too many balls at once? I think it’s an ADD thing. You know, we’re easily bored. And act without thinking. And have no real concept of how long things might take. Which explains why I have 3 blogs with accompanying newsletters. Well, only 2 newsletters. And really, […]