3/14/19 Edit: While the webinar is long gone, some of the information in the video is still worth hearing. I no longer do coaching; I found that it was too emotionally exhausting for me. Also, you should know that this site used to be called ADD Moms but was changed to An ADD Woman to reflect the fact that it’s about us as people, not our role as mom.
Procrastination and Motivation
One of the biggest things that we struggle with as ADD Moms is procrastination and motivation.
We put things off that we don’t want to do, or that overwhelm us, or that we’re afraid to do.
We wait for motivation to strike so that we can finally get things done.
Life doesn’t work so well that way.
On Monday, March 17th, I’m hosting a free webinar on just that subject. It’s called A New Way of Thinking: DUMP the Procrastination and UP Motivation.
Here’s the video I did about it:
Think of this as Lesson 1 from my new coaching program, A New Woman, set to launch soon.
Real Life Information that You Can Use
But don’t think of it as a sales pitch.
I’m sharing real information in this webinar that you can put to use right away.
And here’s the thing: if you do what I call lather, rinse, and repeat with just one of my tips, you can change your life. That’s not hype; that’s a promise.
You know I’ve been excited for some time about this new program. That’s because it goes beyond anything I’ve ever taught before and I think it can make positive, lasting changes in your life if you follow what I say.
Even if you’re unavailable on the 17th, go ahead and sign up anyway. The call will be recorded and you can get a copy within 24 hours of the call.
I can’t wait to share with you!