You Know What a Ferrari Is, Right?
It’s a really fast sports car.
Do you feel like you have one in your head?
Maybe not an actual Ferrari, but something that goes really fast?
Like all of those thoughts spinning around in your head?
You can barely finish one before there are 3 more popping up.
So How Do You Slow it Down?
Well, it depends on what you’re doing.
For instance, if you’re trying to concentrate on a certain task, it helps to remove as many distractions as possible:
- Turn off the TV, your phone (or at least the sound, and turn it face down), and if you have music playing, make it classical.
- If you’re near a window, move or shut the blinds.
- Set a timer for 15 – 25 minutes and just work on what’s in front of you.
- If you’re on the computer, close all tabs, or disable the internet if you don’t need it.
- Also turn off any social media notifications.
If your thoughts are just racing in general, start by checking in with yourself:
- Have you eaten something healthy lately?
- What about water?
- Did you take your medication?
- Maybe you need some movement to work out your extra energy.
- Do a quick brain dump on either a piece of paper or do a voice memo on your pho
What About at Night?
Nighttime is when most people with ADHD experience racing thoughts, or at least, when they cause the most trouble.
One of the most common reasons for this is because there’s nothing left to distract us.
It’s dark and quiet and your mind needs some entertainment, a distraction.
And so the thoughts begin.
Here are a few things to try:
- Do a dump list early in the evening to get as much as possible out of your head.
- Check your planner then, too, so you know you’re already prepared for tomorrow.
- Get any last minute chores done early in the evening. Just before bed is not the time t o be finishing up a report or doing laundry.
- Try and stay off of electronic devices at least an hour before bed. If you use a reader for books, that may work for you. Just be sure you’re reading something soothing.
- Make sure you’re tired, but not overly so, before going to bed.
- Yoga and meditation can help greatly in calming the mind and falling asleep.
Should I Be Worried About This?
Worrying is likely to be counter productive, but if your racing thoughts seem to be taking over too much of your life, you might want to see a health professional.
If you’re not on anxiety or depression medication, one of those might be indicated.
Therapy might be an option as well.
And there are other conditions that can cause racing thoughts, so if nothing else is working, you may want to consult a mental health professional.
You can take control of your racing thoughts. It may take some practice, but it is possible. Don’t give up.