In case you’re wondering, part 1 of Self Care and ADHD was written in early October about breast exams. I still think the title of this post is valid, but I didn’t want you to get confused.
You know how crazy my life has been lately. I feel as though I have lost complete control – as though someone besides me is running my life. That’s not a good feeling.
I’m sure it’s not just we ADD Moms, but moms in general that manage to take care of everyone but themselves.
But the truth is that you really can’t take good care of your family (and your neighbors and everyone else) unless you take care of yourself first.
Can you really put forth your best effort if you’re exhausted or stressed out? Of course not. And don’t forget, not taking good care of yourself makes your ADHD symptoms worse.
There are certain things that you need every day in order to take good care of you. Simple things like enough sleep, good nutritious food, lots of water – throughout the day, please – and maybe some vitamins, some exercise, time spent outdoors, and time just for you.
Oh I can hear you already. I don’t have time for all that!
Really? How much time do you spend watching TV? Or on the computer just for fun? (Reading ADD Moms doesn’t count :)).
It doesn’t take any more time to prepare a simple good for you meal than it does to drive to fast food heaven and bring home a bag of burgers for dinner. Sipping on water all day instead of DC – better for you, same amount of time. Exercise? Go for a farther parking space at work or the mall.
Yesterday I got an amazing amount of work done and I took care of all of my needs, too. I spent some time on the deck just enjoying the day, and then I spent some more time getting in cleaned up for winter. I did the same for the front porch.
I cleaned all of the windows inside and out on the first floor, did 2 loads of laundry, dusted the furniture, cleaned all the surfaces in the kitchen, made a healthy dinner, and took a nap.
You know what? It felt great.
When you take the time to put yourself first, it’s better for everyone. Show yourself some kindness today.