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Just a few things I wanted you to know:

My laptop broke last week and it will be a few weeks before I get it back. In the meantime, getting my emails has been a challenge. If you have contacted me and haven’t heard back, or if you want to contact me, here’s what to do: leave a comment on this site or email me through Facebook. I think you need to friend me first if you haven’t already.

Next, I’m adding a few more features to this site. I am adding a couple of new categories to this site. One will be for things that come along with ADHD like depression and anxiety.

The other one will feature ADD Moms and their creative side. I will be sending an email out to those on my list this week with more information. I would like to feature my subscribers first.

If you have any ideas for other topics to cover on a regular basis, please leave a comment.

Finally, I have been having some technical issues with the sign up for my newsletter. The service I use made some changes and I have to figure that out. I sent out an email to my list last week with a copy of Managing Life with ADHD attached. If you got that, you’re fine. If you have signed up for my list and did not get that email, let me know. You can try emailing me or contacting me through Facebook.

Picture of Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle is the writer of and the Podcast host for An ADD Woman.

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2 Responses

  1. I didn’t get the copy of Mangaing Life with ADHD. I do recieve updates from you when you post something new to the site, so not sure if I’m on the list your talking about or not. But don’t remember seeing the Managing Life attachment and would love to read it…Oh how I need to read it! LOL

  2. Hey, I would love to get a copy of this free book, I still haven’t recieved it. I’m also looking for helps on maybe different ways to address potty training or child rearing. Also, maybe medications.

    jennifer Roundy