As hard as it may be to believe, many of we ADD Moms are perfectionists. Really.
Just because things may not look perfect at your house doesn’t mean you aren’t a perfectionist.
It means that perfectionists often put things off until they can do them “perfectly”. The “right” way. No sense doing something if you’re only going to do half a job, right?
Well, that may be true sometimes, but for most of us and our daily lives, it’s not the case.
For example, to me, cleaning my stove means:
Taking the tea pot off and washing it.
Taking the metal grid things off and soaking them in a sink of hot water and ammonia.
Cleaning up the crumbs.
Getting the worst off with a paper towel and spray cleaner.
Going over the stove again to make sure all the grease is gone.
Wiping it dry. (It’s black and stainless so it shows a lot).
Washing the grid things and putting them back.
That’s a lot of work, and that’s only the top of the stove! Not the front, or the oven or the microwave above it.
Can you see why I don’t do it?
Now here’s a crazy idea that you would think I would have thought of a long time ago. How about wiping it down every day after dinner? Just a minute or two to get stuff off.
Good enough.
Sure, the stove will still need a deep cleaning, but when I get to it, it won’t take so long because not a lot has built up.
Is it cleaned perfectly that way?
But it’s good enough.