Spring Cleaning Challenge – Week 3

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Courtesy The Graphics Fairy
Courtesy The Graphics Fairy

How are you doing on your spring cleaning? Have you been working at it consistently?

I may not have been as consistent as I would like, but I’ve still gotten a lot done. The sunshine and warmer temps have helped.

Today I want to share a blog with you – it’s called Home Ec 101. In particular, I want to point out a series that the owner Heather has done called Cleaning 101.

Heather has cleaning down to a science. Really. She talks about things like using vinegar as a disinfectant and even tells you how it’s made. I think she must have a degree in chemistry.

But Heather also tells you (more) useful things like how to clean a bathroom properly and how to clean stainless steel so it looks shiny. Mine always has streaks and never really looks a lot different after it’s cleaned.

A particular post you might want to check out is “Overwhelmed by Mess“. This one was written for us, ladies.

There’s a lot more to check out at Home Ec 101 besides cleaning. Don’t miss Cook It, Fix It and Wash It.

Picture of Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle

Lacy Estelle is the writer of Lacyestelle.com and the Podcast host for An ADD Woman.

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