How are you doing on your spring cleaning? Have you been working at it consistently?
I may not have been as consistent as I would like, but I’ve still gotten a lot done. The sunshine and warmer temps have helped.
Today I want to share a blog with you – it’s called Home Ec 101. In particular, I want to point out a series that the owner Heather has done called Cleaning 101.
Heather has cleaning down to a science. Really. She talks about things like using vinegar as a disinfectant and even tells you how it’s made. I think she must have a degree in chemistry.
But Heather also tells you (more) useful things like how to clean a bathroom properly and how to clean stainless steel so it looks shiny. Mine always has streaks and never really looks a lot different after it’s cleaned.
A particular post you might want to check out is “Overwhelmed by Mess“. This one was written for us, ladies.
There’s a lot more to check out at Home Ec 101 besides cleaning. Don’t miss Cook It, Fix It and Wash It.