Over at Life Well Lived on BlogHer we’re talking about spring cleaning. Alicia from Get Buttoned Up has an article about getting your spring cleaning done in just 10 minutes a day. That sounds totally doable, doesn’t it?
Alicia has some great suggestions for spring cleaning, including some things you might not have thought of, like cleaning the blades on your ceiling fans. That’s something we did recently and boy did they need it!
For me, an important part of spring cleaning is just getting all the dust and dirt and stale winter air out of the house. And sparkling clean windows too so you can really enjoy the sunshine.
Here are a few of my tips for getting your house ready for spring:
Always remember to work from the top down. You don’t want to tackle those ceiling fan blades after you’ve mopped the floor!
Pick a sunny day to do your cleaning. Psychologically, we feel better and can get more done when the sun is shining. That’s probably another reason that people hate winter – too many gray days!
Oh, but use one of those overcast days to clean your windows. The heat from the sun can cause the cleaner to dry too fast and then you get streaks. Also consider using a squeegee on your windows. Way easier, faster and more effective!
Think about using natural cleaners instead of chemical ones. Better for you and the environment. There are quite a few on the market now, or you can just use good old vinegar and water.
Don’t try to get everything done in one day. We ADD Moms tend to operate that way and then we get burned out and quit before the job is done. Take Alicia’s suggestions and spread it out over a month or so. Oh, and schedule it into your week too.
Be sure to pop over and check out all of Alicia’s suggestions, as well as those in the comments. You might get inspired enough to start your spring cleaning!
Oh, and while you’re there, don’t forget to register to win a Kindle Fire!