Meditation can be extremely effective for ADHD, because it helps you to train your brain to slow down and concentrate.
It can also help you to calm yourself, which can be useful if you suffer from anxiety.
Meditation can also be a way to give your brain a rest from all of the chaotic thoughts in your head, which is in itself a relief.
Ready to experience the benefits of meditation? Here are a few tips to help you out:
- Practice, practice, practice! Even though meditation is pretty simple and uncomplicated, it can be a little difficult for ADDers to master. Trying to focus on something simple, like breathing, and keep doing it, can be hard for us. But keep practicing – you’ll get it.
- Use a word, phrase, or visualization to help keep your mind clear. Think of a word or phrase that’s meaningful to you, and say it over & over to yourself, like a chant. You could also visualize something, like a beach, or concentrate on your breathing or heartbeat.
- Guided meditation is an excellent tool for beginners. You can look online or on YouTube. Be sure that you like listening to the person doing the meditation; otherwise it will be distracting.
- Don’t give up. It’s natural for thoughts to intrude into your ADD mind while you’re trying to meditate. As soon as you realize that you’re thinking of other things, pull your attention back to meditating.
- Aim for at least 10 minutes of meditation. That’s a longer term goal. Start with 5 minutes and work your way up from there. You will most likely find that 5 minutes is challenging at first. That’s OK. Keep trying.
- Practice, practice, practice! Try to meditate regularly every day, ideally at about the same time. First thing in the morning or last thing at night is probably not the best time. If you’re like me, you’ll fall asleep!
- Dress for success. Make sure you’re wearing something comfortable when you meditate; otherwise you’ll be distracted.
- Find your place. Find a special place to meditate where you won’t be disturbed. Make it comfortable; you might even want to include things that are special to you, like photos, candles, or a plant. And don’t be afraid to move around if you need to; being uncomfortable defeats the purpose.
- Do not disturb! Do whatever you need in order to make this time your own. Turn off the phone, the tv, etc. Close the door if you have to, and let your family know that for the next 10 or 15 minutes you are unavailable.
- Lose track of time. Don’t try to time yourself while you meditate; it’s not about that at all. Do it for as long as you’re comfortable, and for as long as it works. If you find yourself working too hard to clear your mind, then stop and try again later. Some days or times, meditation is just not meant to be.
- Do it here, do it there, do it anywhere. Once you’ve got the hang of it, you can meditate anywhere. This is especially useful when you find yourself in a stressful situation. You can close your eyes, recall your mantra or visualization, and calm yourself down in a minute or two. Great for test anxiety or any stressful situation.
So remember, give meditation a try, and don’t give up! The benefits are so worth it.