Why You’re Still Living Paycheck to Paycheck

ADHD and Money If there were ever two things that shouldn’t exist together, I think that ADHD and money might be it. In general, if we have ADHD, we’re not so good with money. And there are reasons for that: We have an impulsive nature We don’t pay attention, and that includes on things like […]
Money and ADHD
Managing money (and managing it well) can be extremely difficult when you have ADHD. And by managing money, I don’t mean retirement funds and stock options. I mean plain old day to day keeping track of the money so the bills get paid on time and there’s some left at the end of the month. […]
Stress Free Finances
Introducing a NEW Money Management Email Coaching program especially for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder! Have you ever – Had to pay late charges because you forgot to pay or mail a bill? Overdrafted your checking account because you were confused about what was coming in or going out? Tried to set up a budget […]
Money and ADHD
There is a great article on Automatic Moms today. It’s about automating tasks to save you time, money, and sanity. The one I especially like is about paying bills, because that seems to be a huge area of concern for people with Attention Deficit Disorder. Often, it’s not even because we don’t have the money […]