Organizing Your Fridge

I’ve been doing a lot of food shopping lately at a warehouse club, so right now I’ve got a lot of food in the house. A good deal of it is in the fridge. I’ve noticed, though, that some of the shelves have gotten so crowded that you can’t see what is in the back […]

The Paper Monster

Do you have a paper monster living at your house? You may not have ever seen him, but you’ll notice (or maybe not notice) the mess he leaves behind. We collect all kinds of papers. Bills, statements, menus from take out places, school or activity related papers, magazines – you name it. We have piles […]

Home Decor for ADHD

What? You didn’t realize that your ADHD dictates the way your house looks? Oh wait. I guess you knew that. But I’m not talking about clutter or lack of organization. Well, not just those things. Of course you realize that your ADHD makes it harder for you to keep things the way you would like […]

Learn to Say No

As moms, we take on way too much. We’re trying to raise a family, maybe work outside the home, keep the home clean and organized and so much more. And we’re doing it while trying to manage our Attention Deficit Disorder. I bet a lot of you ADD Moms are volunteers – at school, for […]

Common Symptoms of ADHD

When most people think of ADHD, they picture a 9 year old boy bouncing off the walls and totally out of control. Rarely do they think of an adult with ADHD. (Unless you’re watching Robin Williams live.) There are still people who think that ADHD is a kid’s issue, and that they will outgrow it. […]

Clean Out Your Car!

Have you seen the Fabreeze commercial where the mom saves all of the stuff that accumulates in her car in a week and then loads it into the car? And then the family climbs in, blindfolded, and talks about how fresh the car smells. Would anybody do that with your car? I try to keep […]