Taking a Break

I often spend hours sitting at my desk working on the computer. Some days I really get into what I’m doing and I don’t even realize how much time has passed. Other days aren’t so productive. No matter what kind of work you do, you probably have days like mine. Some good, some not so […]

Lost in the Moment vs In the Moment

You know that lately I’ve been having trouble with my ADD symptoms. I’ve been forgetting things, and letting daily routines slide. I’ve been trying to figure out what was causing it, and I finally realized what was happening this morning. I’m starting a new business aimed at professionals within the field of Attention Deficit Disorder. […]

Know Your ADD Symptoms

As you know, my ADD symptoms have been giving me trouble lately. I’m still taking a look at what I might need to change in terms of lifestyle (or where I’ve gone astray) so that I can get back on track. It’s important that you really get to know your ADD symptoms so that you […]

ADD – Taking It Slow

Have you ever done one of those pie chart exercises, where you’re supposed to put in all the things in your life, like work, family, me time, exercise, etc? You know how they’re all supposed to be about the same, so that you’re living a “balanced” life? Ha! First of all, everyone knows you live […]

ADHD Planning System

I got the basis of this system from a friend. It’s based on David Allen’s “Getting Things Done”. I have used a similar system in the past, outlined in the book “Sidetracked Home Executives” by Pam Young and Peggy Jones that worked very well for me. This system will take some time to set up […]