Containing the Chaos

Sometimes things can get a little messy. It’s like that when you have ADHD. And sometimes it drives you so crazy that you rip everything out of the cupboard and try to organize it, which instantly overwhelms you. I’ve actually been doing a lot of organizing lately. Just been in the mood, I guess. Or […]

If It’s Tuesday, It Must Be…

One way to get your life in order and get things done is to assign different tasks to different days. For instance, Monday might be laundry day when you do 3 or more loads of laundry. Or Tuesdays might be your personal days when you do things like get your hair done or get a […]

Where to Begin?

The calendar says it’s spring and the weather has gotten moderately better. The phrase “spring cleaning” comes to mind. Note that it doesn’t necessarily inspire me to action, but… Anyway, as I do my thing around the house, I have begun to notice things that could use some attention: The cupboard with my plastic ware […]

Start to Finish

How much trouble do you have finishing things you start? In our last house – which we lived in for 7 years – the final bits of painters tape were removed from areas I couldn’t reach when we had to get the house ready for sale. 7 years. That’s how long they were stuck to […]

5 Ways to Organize Your Bills

Can you believe that I had to try and make my bill area look messy for this post? Crazy. It usually looks much worse, but I had just recently tidied it up. I guess a more accurate title for this article would have been “5 Ways to Organize Your Mail” or your papers. Anyway, here […]

5 Minutes Here and There

Lately I’ve been on an organizing mission. I don’t know what motivated me to do it, other than maybe the frustration of dealing with messy places. What I’ve discovered is that organizing doesn’t have to be a big project and that you don’t have to do it all at once. Last week, for instance, I […]