Executive Function

When you get a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (in any of it’s forms) you might also find out that you have poor executive functioning. Executive function refers to the brain’s ability to manage more than one thing at a time. Think of yourself as a large company with many functions and departments. Your brain […]

ADHD: The Basics

There are always people newly diagnosed with ADHD who have questions about what it is, so I thought a little ADD 101 was in order. ADD, ADHD, Attention Deficit Disorder – which one is it? Many years ago when Attention Deficit Disorder was first being recognized, it was thought that there were two kinds: ADD […]

Relationships and ADHD

Does your spouse, partner, significant other get you? Do they understand you in terms of your ADHD? Or are there problems in the relationship because of it? People without ADHD really have a hard time understanding those of us with ADHD. I guess that goes both ways; how well do we understand them? It can […]

Do You Procrastinate?

LOL. Did I need to ask that question? Seems like if you have ADHD, you must be a procrastinator. We are geniuses when it comes to putting things off and doing less important things first. We also tend to be perfectionists, which just makes our procrastination worse. You want to do an amazing job, so […]

Does ADHD Make You Look Fat?

If you’re one of those size 2 ADD Moms, feel free to skip this article. But if losing weight is a challenge for you, you might be interested to know that your ADHD is part of the problem. Consider some of the typical symptoms of ADHD: impulsive behavior, lack of focus, poor planning skills and […]

Breathing for ADHD

Kind of sounds like a charity event doesn’t it? Instead of running a 5K race to raise awareness about ADHD, we’re just going to breathe instead. Well, no. Thats not exactly what I mean. Deep controlled breathing can actually help your ADHD symptoms. You can control your anxiety, improve your focus, and begin to relax. […]