Cupcakes and Potato Chips
Note: I was recently made aware that the link that was provided to me was incorrect. It has been changed and should work now. Did you know that your eating habits could be influenced by your ADHD? And that it can be harder to lose weight if you have ADHD? Not only that, but binge […]
Hit the Refresh Button
Surely you know that as ADDers we have a short attention span. But that’s not just confined to individual incidents like not wandering off during a conversation or while watching TV. It’s also part of the bigger picture of our life. You know how something works for you until it doesn’t anymore? Like for weeks […]
Excuse Me?
This afternoon something embarrassing happened to me. Someone asked me a question – twice – and because I wasn’t paying attention, I had to ask them to repeat it a third time. I wasn’t trying to ignore them or be rude, I was just distracted. I was in an unfamiliar place and a little stressed […]