Taming the Squirrels
Taming Squirrels? The other day I had a conversation with some friends on a business Facebook group I belong to. One of the women said that she was my ideal reader and asked if I had any advice on taming squirrels. I jokingly said I had nothing about squirrels, but did write a post once […]
The Attention Problem (and How to Fix It)
The Goldfish Myth Those of us with ADHD have a problem with attention. You may have read (in many different places) that today the average American has an attention span of 8 seconds – shorter than that of a goldfish. This “theory” is from a 2015 study done by Microsoft, and it’s since been challenged […]
Are You Acting or Reacting?
Acting or Reacting? What’s the Difference? Just for clarity’s sake, let’s define these two ideas: Reacting is simply that. You respond to whatever is happening around you without any forethought. Your phone beeps or vibrates; you have a new message, so you check it immediately. Acting is behaving in a manner that shows some thought […]
Do You Believe in the Hereafter?
Now before you scoot away, this is not a religious post. It’s just my attempt to put a little interest and humor into my headline. I have a really hard time writing interesting headlines. So my dad had quite the sense of humor, but it was the dad kind. You know, not so funny. He […]
Brain Drain: Learn to Make Fewer Decisions
Decision making is not our strong point. As people with ADHD, we have lots of experience with making mistakes. So when we have an opportunity to make a decision about something – cake or pie – we tend to give it a lot of thought. We want to make the right decision and we end […]
Are You All Ears?
No, I don’t mean like Dumbo. 😉 I guess what I really mean to ask is if you are a good listener. I’ve always thought that I was a good listener, and some people have even commented on it. I often find that people tell me things that they wouldn’t tell anyone else. But on […]