How Life Affects Your ADHD
I just got back from a wonderful week or so spent in Michigan visiting my daughter Sarah, her husband, and their brand new son, Robbie. (Our first grandchild!) Like all of us, Sarah has Attention Deficit Disorder. And with all of the lifestyle changes, she has some new challenges in dealing with her ADHD. Now […]
Launch Your Child for School Success
Note: Ann K. Dolin, M.Ed. has been kind enough to do several guest posts for ADD Moms and ADD Student. Since ADD Moms tend to have ADD kids, I thought they would be appropriate on both sites. Michael is a freckle-faced fourth grader always on the move. He loves to read, write and do well […]
Divorce and ADHD
There was an excellent article today in the Monterey County Herald about divorce rates among parents of children who have ADHD. A recent study done by Brian Wymbs and William Pelham and published in The Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology found that the divorce rate of parents with an ADHD child was 22.7% versus […]