Creative Journaling for Your Soul
Do you journal? And if you do, how often do you do it? I tend to be a “when I need it kind of journal writer”. If I’m upset, worried, or angry, journaling helps me work things out. Sometimes I journal to mark a significant event in my life and sometimes I just have some […]
Stop Focusing on the Deficit
When we think and talk about ADHD, we tend to focus on the deficit, and then we wonder why we have poor self esteem. You know that I’m always talking about saying good things about yourself and to yourself. And I remind you how the primitive part of your brain believes everything you tell it and […]
Do You Matter?
That’s a serious question. After Robin Williams’s death earlier this week, there has a been a lot of talk about depression, suicide, and mental health in general. Those of us who suffer from depression know how hard it can be to escape. Judging from the reactions, Robin Williams touched thousands of lives and mattered to […]
5 Tips You Need Now
This is that crazy, rushed, over the top busy time of year. Here are five tips that might make things easier, and you can probably use them the rest of the year, too! !. Get rid of stuff. If you celebrate Christmas or any other gift giving holiday this time of year, you’re about to […]
Fearless Living
Note: This post contains an affiliate link. That means that if you buy this book through my link, Amazon sends me a small commission. It does not change the price to you, or my opinion of the book. Fearless Living, the Book I recently read a book by Rhonda Britten called “Fearless Living“. If you […]
Operation Beautiful
Do you know how beautiful you are? Caitlin Boyle does. Caitlin Boyle is the catalyst behind Operation Beautiful. Operation Beautiful is the title of Caitlin’s book and the name of her website. But it’s so much more. Operation Beautiful is a movement; a positive, wonderful, inspiring movement that every female in the world needs to […]