The Magic of Routine

Doing the Same Stuff And expecting different results? Nope. Doing the same stuff and getting more done. And what I mean by doing the same stuff is turning the same stuff you do over and over (or need to do over and over) into a routine. Have you ever found yourself driving to work on […]
Diet Plans for Kids with ADHD
Today’s post is a guest post from JoEllen Krauss, and while it’s called a diet plan for kids, adults can also benefit. BIO: JoEllen Krauss writes freelance for Providian Medical who specializes in OB/GYN ultrasounds. During her spare time she likes spending quality time with her kids, baking and volunteering in her local community center. […]
Lost in the Moment vs In the Moment
You know that lately I’ve been having trouble with my ADD symptoms. I’ve been forgetting things, and letting daily routines slide. I’ve been trying to figure out what was causing it, and I finally realized what was happening this morning. I’m starting a new business aimed at professionals within the field of Attention Deficit Disorder. […]