New Ways to Use the Camera on Your Phone

Sure, you can take selfies and pictures of your kids and pets all day, but are there any practical uses for your cell phone camera? As it turns out, there are several. Take a photo of your prescription bottles. If you have to fill out a form or need to know what you take, the […]

That Can of WD-40

You know how every now and then things get piled up and you have to go through and restore order? We ADD Moms have that problem probably more than most. My kitchen has been that way lately. So today I went through and straightened up. The winter gloves went back into the closet where they […]

A New Woman Video

Edit 3/14/19: A New Woman is no longer an active program. My good friend DeShawn and I did this video today on Google Hangouts. It was really easy, and even though I’m a little camera shy and was nervous about doing it, I had fun. I hope you like it!

How to Feel Less Tired

Have you been feeling tired lately? For the last few months, it was all I could do to get through the day without a nap. And I mean I could take a nap from 9:00 – 10:30 at night and then go to bed at 12:30 and sleep all night. Lately I’ve been feeling better […]

A New Woman

Edit 3/14/19: A New Woman coaching program no longer exists. I’ve had a new coaching program in my mind for months. Something different. Not the same old “get rid of clutter, get organized, buy yourself a planner” kind of stuff. Cause I’ve done that, and you’ve done that, and in the end, it’s not enough. […]


I have an entire house that needs to be organized. Stuff to throw out, stuff to just put back in order, just stuff. Too much stuff. I actually had someone come out during the holidays and redo one of my cupboards. Here he is, hard at work. The cupboard is certainly rearranged, but I just […]