Are You A Family Manager?

Family Manager to me equals mom, so that means that I qualify. A Family Manager is pretty much responsible for running the household. Cleaning, finances, scheduling, meal planning and more. And while I’m not as bad at it as I used to be, there’s always room for improvement. The Family Manager System is a program […]

Making the Most of Your Time

Time management is one of the things that people with ADHD struggle with. There always seems to be either too little of it or too much, depending on what you’re doing. Not only that, but we’re also challenged when it comes to estimating time. Somehow our internal clock or whatever it is that makes sense […]

20 Minutes A Day

One of the challenges of having Attention Deficit Disorder is keeping up with all the stuff in our lives. Not just material stuff, but things like appointments, errands, and even the work we have to do. It feels to me sometimes like I’ve got this orbital path circling around my head – kind of like […]

Getting It Done

Maybe I should have called this post “Not Getting It Done”, but then you probably wouldn’t have read it 🙂 You know I’ve been on an organizing thing lately. Cleaning up and de-cluttering and rearranging in case we might need to sell our house and move. (Mark is laid off and there is a possibility […]

What Is Your Problem?

I’m not trying to get in your face – I really want to know. If you have Attention Deficit Disorder, there must be one symptom above all the others that gives you the most trouble. Do you know what it is? What would it take for that not to be an issue anymore? Do you […]

Cool Resource for Getting Organized

Lately I’ve been on a big organizing kick – clearing out cupboards and closets and getting rid of clutter. Part of the inspiration, I’m sure, is the spring like weather we’ve been having lately. There’s another reason, though, that’s a little more stressful. Most of you know that my husband is laid off (he works […]