Make it Automatic

One of the biggest problems that we ADD Moms face is forgetfulness. Most of us with ADHD have poor short term memory, so it makes sense for us to put systems in place that will help us remember important things. (By the way, if you are of the age when menopause is a concern, be […]

How Can We Change Your Life?

Yes, I know resolutions are for January 1st, not February 10th, but still…. how can we change your life? I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about my life – what I want to change and how. My big thing right now is taking better care of myself. One of the reasons that I […]

Marriage and ADHD

If you’ve read my blog for a while, you might know that my mom had ADHD but my dad does not. They were married for 52 years and I always thought that their marriage was a good one. I don’t remember arguments between them; seemed like they got along pretty well. I know that there […]

Paying Attention to You

I haven’t posted here in a while. First my laptop died, and then I got a really bad chest cold that just knocked the stuffing out of me. There is a saying that you may have heard – something about how the Universe gently nudges you in the right direction, but if you don’t listen, […]