OK, I haven’t really been around the world in the last 4 hours. I have barely left my office, in fact.
I have been really, really busy putting together some new products and a newsletter for my subscribers. You can subscribe in the box over there on the right.
Anyway, I feel like I’ve been around the world because I have been here, there and everywhere on the web trying to get all this done tonight. (Cause you know how we ADDers are – we wait until the last minute and then we want it done now. In the old days, before digital, I would wait 6 months or more to get my film developed, but when I did, I took it to the 1 hour photo place.)
So, tonight’s experience has been ADD in real life. I’ve bounced all over the web, from one place to another, weaving a drunken, zig zag path, and at the end of it, I haven’t accomplished much at all.
Sigh. There’s always tomorrow.