Have you heard about clinical trials?
A clinical trial is used to test a new drug, medical product or procedure, or simply a change in patient care in order to see if it is effective.
Clinical trials may be conducted by research scientists, doctors, nurses, social workers, dietitians, and other healthcare workers. They may be funded by pharmaceutical companies or non-profit groups. Here in the United States, the government funds a great deal of cancer research.
There are all sorts of clinical trials going on at any given moment and it may be hard to find one that would work for you.
That’s why I have added a new tool to my sidebar thanks to a company called Antidote.
You can’t miss it. It’s to the right on my sidebar under my signup for my newsletter. And it’s bright turquoise. 🙂
When you click on the button that says “Match Me”, it takes you to the Antidote site.
You start by selecting which condition you are searching for, as well as location, age, and sex.
Next it will tell you how many trials have been found and ask you how far you want to travel. If you get one or more matches, it will give you more information about the trial, including how to apply.
You also have the opportunity to sign up for updates regarding the condition you searched for so that you don’t have to keep going back.
Antidote pulls it’s search information from a government site called Clinical Trials; their app just makes the search process easier.
Trials will provide the medication or whatever is being tested at no cost to you, but do not expect to get paid for your participation.
For more information about clinical trials in general, check out this page on the Clinical Trials site.