Did you know that magnesium can possibly help your ADHD symptoms?
It has been shown in studies to be effective in reducing hyperactivity and improving attention span in cases where there was a mild magnesium deficiency. Children identified as ADHD and given a magnesium supplement also showed less behavior problems including irritability.
Magnesium can be found in a number of foods including nuts, beans, tofu, wheat bran, green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, and pumpkin and squash seeds. Other good sources include oatmeal, bananas, baked potatoes with the skin and chocolate. 🙂
If you choose to take magnesium supplements, the recommended dose for a female over 30 who is not pregnant or breastfeeding is 320 mg per day. You can find additional guidelines here.
You should also consider a complex B vitamin to help your body absorb the magnesium and calcium if that might be a concern.
Because magnesium can interfere with certain medications, it is always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking it.