It’s summertime here in my part of the world, and among other things, that means gardening.
Each spring as soon as it gets warm enough, I head out to the local greenhouse and buy far too many plants. I get carried away with all of the pretty flowers and plants and have visions of beautiful gardens that far exceed my talents.
Of course, once I get home, I am quickly overwhelmed by all of the planting that needs to be done. And because I had no plan, I have no idea where all of these flowers will go.
Eventually it gets sorted out and the plants are in. We get to enjoy our beautiful garden for a day or two, sometimes a week. And then things start to die.
My kids tell me that the only thing I can grow successfully is mold.
I think they might be right.
You see, in order to thrive, plants need a little attention on a regular basis. Like watering. And maybe deadheading. On a regular basis.
My neighbor next door (who says she is no better at gardening than I am but she is) keeps reminding me that I have to water those plants. Sometimes every day.
And that’s the problem.
I forget. I mean to do it and I get distracted. Or maybe I think I already watered them.
Yesterday my husband pointed out the poor dead flowers in our front garden. They hadn’t been watered in a long time. He generously offered that maybe the weed killer he sprayed had blown over onto the flowers, but we both know that’s not true.
I know people who have ADHD and find gardening a relaxing and rewarding experience, but I’m not one of them.
I have, however, found the perfect solution.
And no, it’s not plastic flowers stuck in the ground, although someone down the street does that. The giveaway was the orange fall flowers sticking up out of the snow.
No, the answer is perennials.
Perennials come back every year and are much more forgiving than annuals. Some perennials only bloom for a short time, so you have to shop carefully, but you can find those that bloom all summer.
I have two that I planted over a year ago on either side of the deck steps. This year they are about 3 feet tall, blooming like crazy, and they don’t seem to mind my erratic watering habits.
The best thing is that you plant them once and you’re done. Less work, less money, and a beautiful garden.
That’s ADD friendly.
7 Responses
Thanks. I am always looking for ways to better grow or better prepare the food from my garden. Eating healthier has really helped me keep my waistline in check.
Now if you could just teach me how to grow something besides weeds….
You made some decent points there.. Noticed your site on delicious right now and genuinely enjoyed it. 😉 😉 fantastic.