Yesterday I asked you about the problems you have with ADHD and how you would like to receive help. I hope you take some time to let me know.
Now I have another question: What can I do for you?
Not another survey this time; please just post in the comments or email me.
What I’m looking for is – what are you looking for when you visit ADD Moms?
What would you like more information on?
Do you like the audios I’ve added? What about video? (I’m a big chicken when it comes to video, but I’ll get over it if that’s what you need.)
Are there parts of your life I leave out? For instance, I rarely write about your work life when it comes to ADHD, or your personal relationships. Would that be something of interest?
And sometimes I get all Martha like and want to share something like a cool recipe I found. Not related to ADHD, but would you be interested?
Please please help me by telling me what you want to know about ADHD. My goal is always to make this blog better and to serve you as much as possible.
“Please please” reminds me of one of my favorite scenes from The Blues Brothers. Here you go:
Leave a comment and let me know how I’m doing.