You know, over the years I have learned to manage my ADHD symptoms to the point where they are rarely a problem at all.
It wasn’t always like that. I used to be so disorganized, always late, always losing things and then frantically searching for them.
Don’t forget: I’m the woman who invited 10 people over for Christmas dinner, not realizing that there was nothing – truly nothing – in the house to eat.
I’m starting this new year with the hopes of helping you get where I am: organized and on time, comfortable with the way my house looks (and the way I look too!), getting things done and feeling totally in charge of my ADHD.
To do that, I need to know more about what you need and how you want to receive it.
Please take a minute to answer my 2 question survey or leave a comment below.
Together, we can change lives; yours included.
One Response
9. Identify the lesson learned . There are always things to be learned from every situation. For me, I learned to rigorously back-up everything I’m doing now—even saving files in different versions so I can still recover the last version if the latest version ever gets destroyed.