My head has been bursting with lots of ideas lately of things that I can do or offer you in the hopes of making your life with ADHD a little easier.
The thing is, what I think might be great ideas may not be so great for you.
That’s why I want your ideas and comments, and I’m willing to offer a prize to get them.
Here’s what you have to do: leave a comment below telling me what your #1 problem is in managing ADHD and what I can do to help. An idea of how you would like that help and a price range would be so appreciated.
I’ll keep the comment list open for a week, and at the end of the week, I will choose one random winner using The winner gets a $25 gift card from either Target or Starbucks – their choice. Today is Nov 11th, so I will keep the comments open until midnight on Nov 18th. You can comment more than once, but please make each comment different and useful.
Here are some of the ideas I’ve been kicking around:
A sort of master planner that keeps you on track in all areas of your life – house cleaning, meal prep and shopping, finances, etc. I thought of offering it as either a printable or as a complete set.
Same idea as above, but in module form, so you buy only the ones you need.
An email coaching program centered on you in terms of self care. It would include motivational messages as well as action plans to motivate you to take better care of yourself.
An expansion of the Med Free with ADD program, taking it from a download to a class or coaching by phone.
Group coaching by phone. The group would need a focus area so that you’re all working towards the same goal. Once a week calls with replay available; probably 6-12 weeks.
Classes either presented by phone or multi-media – I guess it would depend on the subject.
Anything else you can think of?
Remember, give me an idea of what you can afford, too.
Thank you so much for your help!
4 Responses
How about an iPhone app that incorporates some of the elements listed above? I’d be willing to pay for something like that. i currently use Things, and spent, I think, $10 for it (which is at the higher end of what iPhone apps cost, but SO worth it. OmniFocus is another similar ap, and they charge $20 )
What a cool idea! I don’t know if that’s something I’m capable of, but I’ll check into it. Thanks for commenting!
A forum like a chat room or a message board on your blog where members can meet each other through the virtual world and share experiences. I’m sure you have quite the following and it would be wonderful to connect with the others on here who share the same concerns/experiences with their ADHD journey. By the way your blogs….rock!!!
I would never say no to more on the Med free with ADD too, that is the route we are taking and are applying so much of what you recommend to our living….thanks =)
Hey sfjen and Julia – send me an email ([email protected]) with your mailing address and gift card preference. Since you two were the only ones who responded, I thought you both should win.