Understanding ADHD

This past holiday weekend my daughter Sarah and her boyfriend (I’ll call him Josh) visited from Michigan. At some point during the weekend, the conversation turned to Sarah’s housekeeping skills, or rather her challenges when it comes to housekeeping. Dirty dishes were mentioned. Apparently it bothers Josh when there are dishes left in the sink. […]

ADHD and Your Significant Other

Having a healthy, loving relationship with your significant other can be complicated by ADHD in so many ways. Communication between the two of you can result in misunderstandings (or worse) because your ADHD symptoms cause you to miss social cues, not pay attention on a consistent basis, or say the wrong thing. As women, we […]

Clutter and ADHD

One of the biggest challenges for ADD Moms is keeping the house in order. And one of the biggest challenges in keeping the house in order is clutter. I’ve got 3 simple rules for keeping the clutter monster in check: 1. It is not your job, as mom, to handle all of the clutter in […]

Gardening and ADHD?

It’s summertime here in my part of the world, and among other things, that means gardening. Each spring as soon as it gets warm enough, I head out to the local greenhouse and buy far too many plants. I get carried away with all of the pretty flowers and plants and have visions of beautiful […]

Step Away

As ADD Moms, we have all had times when something we were trying to do got the best of us. I remember spending most of a weekend trying to make a change on my website and failing. Rather than stepping away from the computer for a while, I spent far too much time that weekend […]

Dairy and ADHD

There has been continuing research over the last few years that suggest that a diet that is gluten and casein free can help minimize ADHD symptoms. Gluten is found in grains like wheat, barley and rye. Casein is found in dairy products. I eat gluten free because I have a condition called Celiac disease. Recently […]